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Cosmic Sleep

Cosmic Sleep

Experimental Musician Billy Yfantis Presents a Sonic Odyssey: “Cosmic Sleep” Album Alongside Two Electrifying Side Projects
Athens, Greece - Experimental music artist Billy Yfantis is set to release his latest album, “Cosmic Sleep,” an innovative and immersive exploration of the intersection between sleep and the vast expanse of outer space. The album promises to transport listeners on a mesmerizing sonic odyssey unlike anything they've ever experienced. “Cosmic Sleep” is a groundbreaking musical project that delves deep into the mysteries of the human mind's connection with the cosmos. Composed with an intricate blend of electronic elements, the album combines ethereal soundscapes, dreamlike melodies, and pulsating rhythms to create an otherworldly listening experience.
Drawing inspiration from the celestial realm and the enigmatic depths of sleep, Billy Yfantis invites listeners to embark on a unique voyage of the mind. Each track on the album is meticulously crafted to mirror the phases of sleep, from the initial moments of relaxation to the vivid dreams that occur during REM sleep, and ultimately to the awakening and return to reality.

“Cosmic Sleep” Track list
1. Rest in Space
2. Sleeping
3. The Sleeping Beauty
4. Eternal rest
5. Rapid Eye Movement
6. Sleepwalking in Space
7. The sleep cycle of Space
8. Bedtime Space stories
9. Cosmic sleep and other digital stories
10. Goodbye Earth
11. Phos
12. Symbols of Life in Space

Listen to the new album here:
YouTube Music:
Apple Music:

Billy Yfantis Expands His Musical Universe with Two Exciting Side Projects Albums

Vasileios Yfantis – “Cinematic Works, Vol. III”
Genre: Atmospheric Instrumental Piano Music
In “Cinematic Works, Vol. III,” Billy Yfantis, under his alter ego Vasileios Yfantis, delves into the world of atmospheric instrumental piano music. This album is a devotion to his profound love for Classical Music, as he creates romantic compositions that are rich in emotion and imagery. Each composition tells a unique story, painting vivid cinematic landscapes in the minds of listeners. The album is a continuation of his successful “Cinematic Works” series, known for its ability to transport audiences to ethereal realms through the power of music.

Listen to the new album here:
Apple Music:

“Tricks For Freaks - Metal and Indie Rock Anthems Vol. I”
Genre: Industrial Metal and Indie Rock
For those craving a more intense and adrenaline-fueled musical experience, Billy Yfantis presents “Metal and Indie Rock Anthems Vol. I” under the alias “Tricks For Freaks.” Inspired by the dynamic world of video games, this album combines the raw energy of industrial metal with the melodic sensibilities of indie rock. The result is an explosive fusion of genres that pushes the boundaries of sonic experimentation. Prepare to be immersed in a sonic universe that resonates with the edginess and innovation of modern gaming culture.

Listen to the new album here:
Apple Music:

About Billy Yfantis
Vasileios (Billy) Yfantis holds 2 Master Degrees in Information Technology and is a Ph.D. candidate in the University of West Attica by conducting research on e-government. Billy has been working on music since the late 1990s by experimenting with tape mixing and sound design. Billy is playing digital keyboards, but prefers to express his artistic dream through the electronic sounds that come from unusual machines. He has experimented with the recording of vacuum cleaners, electric blenders and other strange sounds that have resulted in musical releases. Moreover, Billy has authored books on music, business and science while from time to time he speaks about the electronic governance at scientific conferences all over Europe.

Find other music by Billy Yfantis here:
Find Books by Billy Yfantis here:

Published: 14.10.2023