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Cedric Vassal

Cedric Vassal

Band: Cedric Vassal
Album (EP): Inner Kingdom
Country: France
Genre: Progressive Metal
Release: December 15th, 2023
It was at the age of 12, as an autodidact, that this musical journey began. 
Several involvements in various groups followed (Morpheus, Denied, Veil of Mist) and numerous scenes in France and Europe.
He will share the stage with many groups such as Lacuna Coil, EPICA, Samael, or even Hypocrisy or Dagoba.
With this experience, the time had come for him to make a childhood dream come true and to immerse himself body and soul in instrumental metal to fully express his creativity and technique.
His influences were forged on the melodies of the guitar heroes of the 1990s (Vinnie Moore, Tony Macalpnie, Joe Satriani...) but also on the riffs of more modern guitarists such as Jeff Loomis or Andy James.

INNER KINGDOM (Released 12/15/2023) available on digital plateforms

1st solo album (EP) of 5 inspired, contrasting and devastating instrumental tracks, surrounded by numerous Featuring: 
- Martial ALLART (LES FORBAN, Artiste Solo & dйmonstrateur VOLA GUITARES)
- Garrett J. PETTERS (Solo Artist)
This 1st EP highlights a whole universe with extreme influences (Jeff LOOMIS, Andy JAMES, IN FLAMES) and also cleverly measured orchestrations.

Published: 7.1.2024